With the Christmas holiday coming up shortly, I hope you will have time to work on this quiz. As a result, the theme for this issue is ‘time’ itself. As you expect, the questions are in roughly chronological order!
- Q. Which are the only two measurements or units of time that are created by nature itself?
- Q. Who was responsible for introducing the leap year?
- Q. In which year will we next skip a leap year?
- Q. Who invented the first ‘marine chronometer’ – a clock sufficiently accurate to navigate at sea?
- Q. For many years each town in the UK set their clocks locally. In 1840 it was decided that all clocks should be synchronised to London time. Why?
- Q. The town hall clock tower in Chester has a clock on three faces. Which face of the tower (North, South, East or West) has no clock face and why is this the case?
- Q. Who wrote ‘The Time Machine’?
- Q. Russia has eleven time zones. How many does China have?
- Q. Which was the first country to introduce daylight saving measures nationwide and in which year?
- Q. On which Pink Floyd album will you find ‘Time’?
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