Barkham Village Residents Association

 2020 03 21 IanOIan Overton, the long standing Treasurer of the BVRA, has just “retired” after nearly 20 years in the role.  In recognition of his sterling support of the residents’ association, we bought Ian a retirement gift of a terracotta planter (pictured).


I first met Ian when he joined the BVRA Committee in the autumn of 2001 when he took over from one of the founders of the residents’ association, Pam Edwards.  He has been a much valued member of the committee ever since.

One of the first events for which he had to hold the purse strings was the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations in Barkham in 2002.  Over the years he has offered guidance to the committee on matters relating to the BVRA’s finances and has been much trusted in these matters.  He has kept the BVRA on a sound financial footing to ensure we have a “fighting fund” if that proves necessary, whilst supporting spending money on “special events” for Barkham such as the 2012 celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee  

In recent years he has been seen at BVRA social events running the bar with his wife, Evelyn.  He has also been an ever-present at the popular Carols in Park just before Christmas, directing traffic and collecting donations for the band.

When Ian announced his wish to step down, we were very pleased that Alison Gouge came forward to take on the Treasurer role and they have just completed the handover.  Our Chairman, Alan Dixon, welcomed Alison in the spring edition of the Barkham Newsletter available here

I am sure Barkham residents will want to join me in wishing Ian many thanks for his service to the BVRA and best wishes for his "retirement".

Stewart Richardson
BVRA Committee Member