With the Christmas holiday coming up shortly, I hope you will have time to work on this quiz. As a result, the theme for this issue is ‘time’ itself. As you expect, the questions are in roughly chronological order!
- Q. Which are the only two measurements or units of time that are created by nature itself?
A. The day and the year. All the rest have been concocted by man to make life easier - Q. Who was responsible for introducing the leap year?
A. Julius Caesar in the 46 B.C - Q. In which year will we next skip a leap year?
A. 2100 - Q. Who invented the first ‘marine chronometer’ – a clock sufficiently accurate to navigate at sea?
A. John Harrison - Q. For many years each town in the UK set their clocks locally. In 1840 it was decided that all clocks should be synchronised to London time. Why?
A. Because the introduction of railways across the country and the need for accurate timetables required all clocks throughout the country to tell the same time - Q. The town hall clock tower in Chester has a clock on three faces. Which face of the tower (North, South, East or West) has no clock face and why is this the case?
A. West, towards Wales. Apparently ‘they wouldn’t give the Welsh the time of day’! - Q. Who wrote ‘The Time Machine’?
A. H G Wells - Q. Russia has eleven time zones. How many does China have?
A. One! It should be five based on its size - Q. Which was the first country to introduce daylight saving measures nationwide and in which year?
A. Germany in 1916 - Q. On which Pink Floyd album will you find ‘Time’?
A. Dark Side of the Moon