Barkham Village Residents Association

Barkham - A HistoryThe 170 page book contains 23 history chapters by ©David French, well known to regular readers of the BVRA newsletter for his historical articles. Whilst the history makes extensive use of the surviving ecclesiastical and property records, it also draws extensively on three less commonly used sources: early probate documents, early legal proceedings and early newspapers.  


Janet Firth has written the archæological chapters about activity in Barkham since prehistory. It draws extensively on the results of systematic archæological fieldwalking and a survey of earthworks by the Berkshire Field Research Group, led by Janet, as well as pollen evidence from Longmoor Bog.

The book is beautifully illustrated with over 36 ink drawings by Sally Noble especially created for the book. The significant historic buildings of the parish, together with events and artefacts of the times, are pictorially illustrated bringing the history and archæology to life.

Ian Atherton, the editor, has combined the writings, drawings, photographs and old newspaper cuttings into a fascinating and professional work which will give all of us who live in Barkham a sense of history and a greater knowledge of those who came before us in this Parish.

Copies of "Barkham - A History" may be purchased from Bookends, Henry Street Garden Centre and the Berkshire Family History Society.

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