A date for the hearing of the Berkeley Homes appeal on the large proposed development at Blagrove/Evendons Lane (350 houses and a care home) has now been set for Tuesday 18th March and is set to run for at least 6 days. Details are attached. Whilst the appeal, of course, relates to land outside Barkham Parish the potential effect on Barkham residents would be substantial in the extra traffic that would be generated along Evendons Lane , Edneys Hill and Barkham Road. And this proposed development is not in the draft Local Plan. Incidentally I have heard talk that the Local Plan maybe approved by the Government in about 2 months time – we will see.
Bluebells Farm on Commonfield Land is also in the planning news. An appeal has been lodged against the Borough’s refusal to grant consent for 9 mobile homes (240788). No date for the hearing has yet been set. Nevertheless planning consent (242456) has been granted there for a certificate of lawful use (long use without challenge) for 1 mobile home and 1 caravan on the site.
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