2024-06-28 Proposed Development North of School Road

2024-06-28 Proposed Development North of School Road

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

‍DevWatch Alert

Proposed Development
North of School Road

Croudace Homes have advertised a pre-application public exhibition on Tuesday the 9th July 2024 of a scheme to build houses behind the Coombes School to the north of School Road in Arborfield : a copy of their notice is attached – but we would suggest that visitors avoid commenting on the proposals as this gives the developers the ability to vary their application plans and be able to say that they have consulted the public and have had regard to what they have said. It would probably be better to delay commenting until a formal application for planning permission is actually made.

Please note a previous application (180596) for development at this location was made in 2018 and rejected by WBC. BVRA issued a DevWatch alert at the time.


Kind Regards


‍Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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