28/03/2018 More Houses Proposed Along School Road

28/03/2018 More Houses Proposed Along School Road
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DevWatch Alert
More Houses Proposed Along School Road




In addition to the recent planning application for 70 houses on the site of Oakwood View, (in which a decision is still pending), we would like you to be aware that there is yet another planning application on Land North and South of School Road. This is for a further 120 dwellings on two large sites, one being adjacent to Oakwood View on the South side of the road and the other on the opposite side to the North where it borders onto Coombes School.

The outline planning application number for this site is 180596 and responses should be submitted by 5 April, if possible. If because of the Easter break you are unable to meet the tight deadline please notify the Case Officer, who can be contacted on 0118-974-6282

If are concerned with the number of houses being built in this semi rural environment which will result in additional traffic along School Road, you are encouraged to send your comments to:

Wokingham Borough Council
PO Box 157,
Shute End,
Wokingham RG40 1WR

or by email to Development.control@wokingham.gov.uk 
Attention: Daniel Ray, Case Officer