2025-03-03 New Planning Application For Park Homes 31 Barkham Ride

2025-03-03 New Planning Application For Park Homes 31 Barkham Ride

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

‍DevWatch Alert

New Planning Application For Park Homes
31 Barkham Ride

A full detailed planning application has just been made (250267) on 31 Barkham Ride to extend the adjoining Victoria Gardens “park home” development by using the land at 31 for an additional 35 park homes together with a community building and park office. The site lies adjacent to Barkham Parish 

The consultation period will end on the 19th March, although Finchampstead Parish Council have asked for an extension until the 21st March. Comments can be made by clicking on the link above. .

There was already an earlier outline planning consent to grant planning consent (230791)  on the site last year for 26  houses. However the agent for the owner states that it is now the owner’s preferred approach to extend his existing Victoria Gardens “park homes” development.

The site lies to the left (as you face from Barkham Ride) of the existing Victoria Gardens park home site and is adjacent to the Rooks Nest Country Park SANG.

This should be taken in the context of the planning application (223528) for 56 houses at 33 Barkham Ride (lying to the right hand side of Victoria Gardens – as you face from the road) where The Borough have resolved to grant planning consent also subject to planning agreements being entered into first.

One should also bear in mind that the draft Local Plan includes both 31 and 33 Barkham Ride as the sites for approximately 80 dwellings.

Kind Regards


The BVRA needs additional volunteers. If you could spare a little time please contact us, chairman@barkham.org.uk for more details.


‍Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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