2024-11-15 New Planning Application for Leathern Bottel, Local Plan and other updates

2024-11-15 New Planning Application for Leathern Bottel, Local Plan and other updates

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

‍DevWatch Alert

New Planning Application for Leathern Bottel,  
Local Plan and other updates

Despite the rejection of plans to extend the Leathern Botel on Barkham Road a new – more modest application (242654) has been made for a smaller extension to the buildings (but still including 5 hotel bedrooms) and changes to access and, curiously, reducing the parking areas. The new driveway access that is proposed is very slightly to the west of the existing access but shows an intended link to the land at the rear where planning consent for residential development had been refused recently. We have to question the need and motive behind this proposed link! The closing date for representations to be made is the 25th November. Please use the link above to submit comments.

BVRA made representations commenting on the draft Local Plan and opposing the suggestion of 900 new dwellings on the site of Arborfield Studios and at the back of Barkham Square effectively extending the Arborfield Green development.. The main reasons given for adopting this position was on highway grounds – namely the extra traffic that would be generated on Langley Common Road and particularly on Barkham Road. Other reasons were that the proposal ignored the 2018 residents’ petition against the development of Barkham Square, and the lamentably short time given to residents to consider the implications of the Plan between the date of the Plan’s publishing and the deadline given for comments to be made. Additionally we questioned the adequacy of infrastructure (including drainage) and the additional pressure on existing medical facilities – given that these are not immediately “local”.

Wokingham Council have now given approval to a 64 bedroom care home on the site of where “Keep Mobile” vehicles (and others) were parked at the junction of Evendons Lane and Blagrove Lane – with access onto Blagrove Lane.

Kind Regards


The BVRA needs additional volunteers. If you could spare a little time please contact us, chairman@barkham.org.uk for more details.


‍Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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