2024-10--3 New Planning Applications and Local Plan Update

2024-10--3 New Planning Applications and Local Plan Update

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

‍DevWatch Alert

2 New Planning Applications and Local Plan Update



The expected application for planning consent to develop 24 Barkham Ride (241667) with the construction of 60 residential units has now been made and the consultation period will run until the 17th October.  This should be placed in the context of planning consent having now been granted for 26 houses  on 31 Barkham Ride  and the strong presumption that formal consent will shortly be issued for 56 houses  at 33 Barkham Ride – on the north side of the road. This site is in the proposed Local Plan. 

Another not unexpected application has just  been led  by Croudace for up to 95 dwellings at the rear of the Coombes Junior School off School Road Arborfield (242421)  and accessing the section of School Road that is open from Arborfield – you will recall that there was an informal pre-application consultation back in the summer. The formal consultation period will run until the 24th October. This site is not in the proposed Local Plan.

You may feel that this is over development – coupled with the pressure on local services (schools, medical care etc) and the extra traffic on the local roads that these developments will generate in which case you may want to make representations about either or both applications on the WBC planning site using the links above. 


In our last Alert we reported that the consultation period for the Local Plan was due to start on the 23rd September. This was put back by WBC to the 30th September and will run until 5pm Wednesday 13th November. Representations received after this time will not be considered.

Details of the consultation and of the proposed Local Plan can be seen at -
https://www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning-policy/emerging-local-plan-update/current-consultations where you see the details and how to comment.

BVRA will be liaising with Barkham Parish Council on a response to the Consultation.

Kind Regards


The BVRA needs additional volunteers. If you could spare a little time please contacts us, chairman@barkham.org.uk for more details.


‍Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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