2021-04-12 Solar Farm – Full Planning Application 211081

2021-04-12 Solar Farm – Full Planning Application 211081
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DevWatch Alert
Solar Farm – Full Planning Application 211081


Wokingham Borough Council have now submitted the full planning application for the proposed Solar Farm.

It is “Full application for EIA development for the proposed installation of a new 52ha solar farm for a temporary period of 25 years including underground grid connection between site and Electricity Distribution Centre, laying of internal access road, the erection of substation building security fencing and associated landscaping with approximately 3.4ha of tree planting for carbon sequestration”.

Details can be found on the WBC website via the following link, where you can also make your comments to WBC: https://planning.wokingham.gov.uk/FastWebPL/detail.asp?AltRef=211081&ApplicationNumber=211081&AddressPrefix=&Postcode=&KeywordSearch=&Submit=Search

Residents are encouraged to make their views known to WBC now we have a full planning application as this will seriously affect the Barkham landscape for at least the next 25 years.

Closing date for comments is 7 May 2021.

You may recall that Barkham Parish Council conducted a survey of local opinion and the results can be seen on the BPC website:  https://barkham-parishcouncil.org.uk/solar-farm-survey-response/

Some issues to consider were outlined in our earlier alert (4 February) during the consultation phase.  These include:

  • Impact on biodiversity/wildlife
  • Impact on countryside views/panoramas
  • Loss of farmland
  • Preservation of rights of way
  • Existing and additional tree planting/screening
  • Noise and additional works traffic during development of the solar farm
  • Proximity to existing buildings such as St James’ Church and Church Cottages
  • Financial benefit for WBC (additional income)
  • Contribution to alleviating the “climate emergency”

Residents may also wish to ask WBC to formally link the development of a solar farm and consequent loss of green space to the reduction of the threat to Barkham of more large housing developments in the future. This has been intimated but there is no direct stated connection between these two issues.

Kind Regards




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