2024-04-30 Proposed Children's Home

2024-04-30 Proposed Children's Home

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

‍DevWatch Alert

Poposed Children's Home on Almond Close

We have just become aware of a planning application (240778) made at the end of March seeking confirmation that an intended change of use of  23 Almond Close Barkham for use as a children’s home for occupation of up to three children age between 5 and 18 (with 1 or 2  responsible adults) and would not therefore constitute “development” and would not therefore need planning consent.

The consultation period ends on 3rd May – so comments need to be filed with the Council by then. A number of the residents of Almond Close have already sent in objections.


Comments can be made on the WBC planning site


Kind Regards


‍Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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